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IRRI for policy shapers

To improve national rice production systems, governments need effective and well-informed rice-based policies and coordinated efforts across the public and private sectors to support rice research, development, and extension.

Effective policies and measures rely on good quality and timely information on farmers’ technology needs, rice ecosystems, yields, input use, rice markets, and prices. IRRI is working towards providing better and more easily available information on these topics to help fine-tune national and regional rice strategies and guide priority settings for investments.

Farm level studies generate knowledge and information on farmers’ needs and can identify policy options that support rapid adoption and diffusion of improved technologies. IRRI collects and analyzes data on household and farm characteristics, household resources, labor, income, perceptions on technology needs, technology adoption patterns and constraints, and farm-level effects of technologies. We also study the needs of male and female rice farmers and others involved in rice production from different socioeconomic groups and the effects of labor-saving technologies on their employment and income.

IRRI seeks to understand the constraints that poor farmers face and to guide research priorities accordingly. We also aim to influence policymakers and other decision makers to improve the functioning of the rice sector and the welfare of the people working in it.

World Rice Statistics

The World Rice Statistics presents complete data related to rice that include rice production, trade, consumption, inputs, prices, and other related information. These are compiled from international and national sources, as well as personal communications.

Farm Household Survey Database

The farm household survey database is a collection of farm level data sets on rice productivity, fertilizer and pesticide use, labor inputs, prices, income, demographics, farm characteristics, and other related data on rice production in farmer's fields.

Shaping Future Rice Value Chains and Policies

IRRI develops future scenarios, policies, and strategies for rice agri-food systems, drawing lessons from impact assessments to develop forward-looking, market-driven, climate-resilient and gender-responsive breeding product profiles, production standards, technologies, and institutional innovations. 


Understanding geographic variation is an important aspect of agricultural research for development. As an integrative discipline, geography has particular strengths to maintain simultaneously in focus the technological, environmental, and socioeconomic aspects of agricultural development.